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GOVERNMENT OF SINDH Services, General Administration & Coordination Department University)

Screening Test for BPS-05 to BPS-15

سنڌ حڪومت سنڌ جي مختلف کاتن ۾ 5 کان 15 گريڊ تائين جي خالي جاين تي ڀرتين لاءِ هڪ ئي ٽيست وٺڻ جو فيصلو ڪيو آهي ۽ ٽيسٽ لاءِ درخواستون پڻ طلب ڪري ورتيون آهن. مختلف کاتن ۾ مختلف گريڊن جي نوڪرين لاءِ گريجوئيشن، انٽرميڊيئيٽ ۽ ميٽرڪ تائين جي تعليمي لياقت رکندڙ ٽيسٽ ڏئي سگهندا. ٽيسٽ لاءِ فارم ڀرائڻ جي آخري تاريخ 30 نومبر مقرر ڪئي وئي آهي. هڪ ئي اميدوار مختلف تعليمي لياقت جي بنياد تي ڌار ڌار فارم ڀري سگهندو، پاس ٿيڻ لاءِ گهٽ ۾ گهٽ مارڪون 40 سيڪڙو مقرر ڪيون ويون آهن.ان ٽيسٽ جونتيجو 3 سالن لاءِ لاڳاپيل گريڊ جي ڪنهن به نوڪري ۾ ڀرتي ٿيڻ لاءِ قبولڻ جوڳوهوندو. سمورين ڪيٽيگرين جي ٽيسٽ آءِ بي اي جي ٽيسٽنگ سروس وسيلي ڊويزنل هيڊڪوارٽر ۾ ورتي ويندي ۽ انٽرويو لاڳاپيل کاتن جي سيليڪشن ڪميٽي وٺندي. ٽيسٽ لاءِ عمر جي حد 18 کان 30 سال مقرر، ٽيست جي فيس پهرين ڪيٽيگري لاءِ 350 روپيا ۽ باقي ٻن ڪيٽيگرين جي فيس ڌار ڌار 700 روپيا مقرر ڪئي وئي آهي. سنڌ حڪومت پاران مقرر ڪيل 15 سال عمر ۾ عام رعايت پڻ سڀني لاء لاڳو ھوندي..

Government of Sindh intends to fill the present vacant positions of (BPS-05 to BPS-15) in all the ministries/departments. The initial screening tests will be conducted by the SIBA Testing Services (STS) as per following rules approved by the Provincial Cabinet on 24-12-2019. 1. There shall be a Separate Test for each category i.e Graduation, Intermediate and Matric 2. The cut-off percentage shall be 40%.
LAST DATE 3. The test result shall be valid for three (03) years.
TO APPLY 4. The interviews will be conducted by the concerned Departmental Selection Committees specified
under Rule-5 (1) of Sindh Civil Servants (Appointment, Promotion and Transfer) Rules, 1974 inserted vide Notification No. SORI(SGA&CD) 3-76/2019, DATED: 03-03-2020, already notified by
2021 the Government of Sindh. 5. The tests will be conducted at divisional headquarters.
– 99 6. Age requirements (Minimum 18 years and Maximum 30 years on closing date of applications).
30th NOV
Note: The sample test paper will be uploaded on the

Name of Category Minimum Qualification
Age Required 14 years of education GRADUATION from any HEC recognized University/DAls
18 – 30 years 12 years of education INTERMEDIATE from any Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education

18 – 30 years 10 years of education MATRICULATION
18 – 30 years from any Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education

Terms & Conditions: 1) Interested candidates having domicile of Sindh Province may submit online applications at 2) Candidates must upload following original scanned documents at the portal: • Last Degree (as per applying category i.e Graduation, Intermediate and Matric)
CNIC, Domicile, PRC-D, recent photograph. • Candidates with disability are required to upload CNIC having wheelchair logo issued by NADRA. 3) After submission of online application, candidates may download system-generated challan. However, candidates
applying for one category will pay Rs. 350/- (Rupees three hundred & fifty only), candidate applying for two categories will pay Rs. 350+700, candidate applying for three categories will pay Rs. 350+700+700 and deposit it with
any branch of ABL/MCB Bank. This subsidy is one time only given by Government of Sindh.
Fee is non-refundable. 4) Candidates can apply for more than one category by paying separate challan for each category. 5) Providing fictitious, exaggerated or misleading information shall result in rejection of applications & can lead to
termination of employment at any stage. 6) General Age Relaxation shall be applicable as per Government of Sindh rules. 7) The disable and minority quota will be observed as per Government of Sindh rules. 8) No TA/DA shall be admissible for appearing in tests.
For updates and announcements 9) Last Date for applying online is November 30, 2021 PROJECT MANAGER
SIBA Testing Services



نوجوانوں کے لیے #خوشخبری:
سندھ حڪومت جي 4 کان 15 گريڊ جي نوڪري…
Services, General Administration & Coordination Department
Screening Test for BPS-05 to BPS-15
Government of Sindh intends to fill the present vacant posions of (BPS-05 to BPS-15) in all the ministries/departments. The
inial screening tests will be conducted by the SIBA Tesng Services (STS) as per following rules approved by the Provincial
Cabinet on 24-12-2019.
1. There shall be a Separate Testfor each category i.e Graduaon, Intermediate and Matric
2. The cut-off percentage shall be 40%.
3. The test result shall be valid for three (03) years.
4. The interviews will be conducted by the concerned Departmental Selecon Commiees specified
under Rule-5 (1) of Sindh Civil Servants (Appointment, Promoon and Transfer) Rules, 1974
inserted vide Noficaon No. SORI(SGA&CD) 3-76/2019, DATED: 03-03-2020, already nofied by
the Government of Sindh.
5. The tests will be conducted at divisional headquarters.
6. Age requirements (Minimum 18 years and Maximum 30 years on closing date of applicaons)
Terms & Conditions:
1) Interested candidates having domicile of Sindh Province may submit online applicaons at hp://
2) Candidates must upload following original scanned documents at the portal:
Ÿ Last Degree (as per applying category i.e Graduaon, Intermediate and Matric)
Ÿ CNIC, Domicile, PRC-D, recent photograph.
Ÿ (Candidates with disability are required to upload CNIC having wheelchair logo issued by NADRA).
3) Aer submission of online applicaon, candidates may download system-generated challan. However, candidates
applying for one category will pay Rs. 350/- (Rupees three hundred & fiy only), candidate applying for two
categories will pay Rs. 350+700, candidate applying for three categories will pay Rs. 350+700+700 and deposit it with
any branch of ABL/MCB Bank. Fee is non-refundable.
4) Candidates can apply for more than one category by paying separate challan for each category.
5) Providing ficous, exaggerated or misleading informaon shall result in rejecon of applicaons & can lead to
terminaon of employment at any stage.
6) General Age Relaxaon shall be applicable as per Government of Sindh rules.
7) The disable and minority quota will be observed as per Government of Sindh rules.
8) No TA/DA shall be admissible for appearing in tests.
9) Last Date for applying online is November 30, 2021
For updates and announcements
Name of Category Minimum Qualification Age Required
MATRICULATION 10 years of education (Minimum 45% marks)
from any Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education
18 – 30 years
18 – 30 years
18 – 30 years


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