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Bps 5 to 15 bad news – Sindh high court

Bps 5 to 15 bad news – Sindh high court finally decided

Sindh High Court

Bps 1 to 4 jobs or bps 5 to 15 big news about Sindh high court 

The matter of recruitment of grades 1 to 19 in Sindh Assembly

Hearing on petition filed against new recruits in Sindh Assembly

Petitioner’s arguments regarding the admissibility of the petition complete

The court reserved its decision regarding the admissibility of the petition

Whether the petition is admissible or not will be decided today


The term of Sindh Assembly is coming to an end and advertisement for thousands of recruitments has been issued, lawyer petitioner

The ruling party is only giving lollipops to the people so that they can win the elections, lawyer Kamran Baloch

All political recruitments are being done, 16 to 19 grade recruitments can be done only through Sindh Public Service Commission, Advocate Kamran Baloch.

The application has been filed on behalf of Asif Imam Fatemi Sameer and other assembly employees

In the petition, Speaker Sindh Assembly, Chief Secretary Sindh, Election Commission, Secretary Sindh Assembly and others have been made parties

Direct new recruitments to be held in Sindh Assembly should be stopped, requested the court

In the Assembly, it should be ordered that the recruitment of small grades should be done by IBA and the recruitment of grades 16 to 19 by the Sindh Public Service Commission, requested.


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