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Doctor in Hyderabad left woman in operation theater and run away

Doctor in Hyderabad left woman in operation theater and ran away

Doctor in Hyderabad left woman in operation theater and run away

Doctor in Hyderabad left woman in operation theater and run away

Hyderabad-based Dr. Prof. Raja Riaz left an innocent woman in the operation theater of Civil Hospital, Hyderabad and ran away, who died due to bleeding.

Dr. Riyaz Ahmad Raja, Dr. Hamid Ali, Dr. Sohail, Dr. Babar Qureshi, all these doctors of Civil Hospital Hyderabad are responsible for the murder of an innocent woman.

Because after the introduction of the Sindh Health Care Commission Act, a case has to be filed directly in this forum before the FIR is cut in the first stage.

In the second phase, an FIR will be lodged against them and they will be arrested and become a lesson for the society. These doctors are murderers.

It is requested to all the people of Sindh that the doctors known in this case are murderers, keep social distancing from them and stay away from their hospitals if you want to save your life.

In this case, the said doctors wasted the lives of many people in government hospitals and died, but now they will not be able to die in their blood. …

A doctor neglects his duty and endangers someone’s life with a member of any community in Sindh


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