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Situation is intense in Lahore Zaman park around Imran khan House

Situation is intense in Lahore Zaman park around Imran khan House

Situation is intense in Lahore Zaman park around Imran khan House

In a dramatic turn of events, Pakistani police attempted to arrest former Prime Minister Imran Khan from his residence in Zaman Park, Lahore on Sunday. Thousands of his followers took to the streets, leading to clashes with law enforcement and resulting in injuries to several people.

The police had obtained an arrest warrant against Khan on charges of unwanted remakes about female judge. The former Prime Minister had called for a “Election rally” demand free and fair elections, claiming that the current government was illegitimate and had come to power through electoral fraud.

However, when the police arrived at Khan’s residence to execute the warrant, his supporters quickly gathered to defend him. They formed a human chain around his home and chanted slogans against the government and law enforcement agencies.

The situation escalated quickly as the police used tear gas and water cannons to disperse the crowd. Some of Khan’s followers pelted stones at the police, leading to a brief clash between the two sides. The police also resorted to shelling, causing injuries to several people.

In the midst of the chaos, Khan’s party leaders issued a statement calling for more people to come and defend him. They urged their supporters to converge on Lahore and join the protest, claiming that the government was trying to suppress their voice.

The situation remains tense in Lahore, with heavy security deployed around Khan’s residence. His party leaders have vowed to continue their protest until he is not agree to surrender and the government agrees to their demands.

Khan, who served as Pakistan’s Prime Minister from 2018 to 2022, has been a vocal critic of the current government and has accused it of corruption and mismanagement. His supporters see him as a beacon of hope in a country rife with political turmoil, while his detractors view him as a destabilizing force.

The latest incident is likely to further polarize the political landscape in Pakistan, with the opposition accusing the government of using strong-arm tactics to silence dissent. The ruling party, on the other hand, has defended its actions, saying that it is upholding the rule of law and maintaining order in the face of unlawful protests.


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